About Dr Hanish Babu, MD
Dr.Hanish Babu, MD is an Indian Dermatologist & Venereologist practicing in UAE since 1996.
Dr.Hanish Babu Started his practice in 1983, first as a general physician and then as a specialist dermatologist since 1989. He worked as a general physician among the tribals of Wayanad in the southern Indian state of Kerala from 1983 to 1989. He joined City Medical Centre, Ajman in 1996 as Specialist Dermatologist & Venereologist.
As a dermatologist, Dr.Babu has come across all forms of skin diseases in his busy practice. His patients belong to all nationalities and cultures. He is an avid educator and spends quality time with his patients both in his consultancy and during the group therapy sessions he conducts for psychodermatoses like psoriasis, urticaria, eczema, neurodermatitis etc. He is also a regular speaker in the Continuing Medical Education Programmes for Healthcare professionals in UAE and abroad. As a hobby and social service Dr Babu conducts stress management workshops for different groups.
He is also active in many social and professional organizations and is a Past President of AKMG Emirates, the Association of Kerala Medical and Dental Graduates, working in the UAE, formed in 2003 with 1500 Doctors and Dentists as members. He is a life member of IADVL (Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists) and IMA (Indian Medical Association).
Dr.Hanish Babu, MD, is at present practicing in City Medical Centre, Ajman, UAE (Morning 10 am -12.00 noon and Evening 4.30 pm till 9 pm)
He is available for consultation on all Days of the week except Sundays and Friday Mornings
For appointments:
- 06 7441882 (Please book appointments by calling to avoid long waiting periods. Call in the moorning hours only for appointments)
Consulting Hours at City Medical Centre, Ajman:
- Mornings : Monday through Saturday : 10.00 am till 12 noon (Friday Morning off)
- Evenings: Monday through Saturday: 4.30 pm till 9.30 pm. Sunday Full Off
- Appointments: 06 7 441 882
Services Offered:
- Treatment of all Skin, hair and nail Diseases and Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
- Minor Surgeries like removal of Skin Tags, Sebaceous Cyst, Skin Blemishes, Warts, Ingrown Nail etc
- Electrocautery, chemical cautery and cryo-surgery for Skin Growths, warts etc.
Specialty Clinics for
- Psoriasis
- Vitiligo
- Eczema
- Psychodermatoses
- Hair & Nail Disorders
- Sexually Transmitted Disease
- Stress Management Seminars for psoriasis and patients suffering from other psychodermatoses.
Please visit Skincare Tips from Dermatologist Dr Hanish Babu, MD for educational articles on skin in health and diseases.
Contact: Call 06-7441882 (Ajman) for an appointment or Click here
Page Visits since October, 2018